At Parliament Hill we love to help our clients recruit more members so their organisation can keep growing even stronger. Along with engagement and retention, it’s a key measure of an organisation’s performance.
By incorporating these 3 essentials of good customer journeys, your organisation will be more attractive to prospective members and grow quicker.
1. Make it obvious how to join
If people interested in your field aren’t made very aware of how to get involved when they visit your website- then it’s an uphill battle from there-on. Even if you have very particular criteria for membership, there is nothing to lose by advertising the possibility of joining and making the process as clear as possible.
2. List the benefits of joining your organisation in a presentable, simple way
Here’s a great example of this from the Oddfellows. You can join in one click, and the reasons to become a member are listed in a simple and attractive way. This also boosts your esteem as an organisation because, even at the first glance, people can see just how hard you work for your members.
There are further key elements to this.
- A user friendly site.
A user friendly site will be easier to navigate and will display everything in a much clearer way to visitors. With a modern content management system, it will also be easier for you to update your site regularly and include multimedia elements.
- Use a savings calculator
Be proud of your member benefits and show that people could actually save the cost of their membership and more with a handy savings calculator. These are easy to use and are a great practical way to show the discounts available. What incentive to join could make more financial sense? Here’s an example from the British Association of Dental Nurses (BADN) who use this to show potential members an illustrative example of the money they could save by joining.
- Use logos and percentages
The allure of well-known brands and concrete discounts that you can guarantee your members is sure to be a draw. Parliament Hill provides its clients with many National and Provider Price Promises, so make sure you advertise this so that potential members know they could get the best discounts around by joining your organisation.
3. Develop a strong social media game
A strong presence on social media is a great way to engage with your current members, but also showcase the best of what you do to the world and entice new members. Depending on the nature of your organisation, you could post content that is both outreaching, and that appeals directly to your members.
CSSC are an example of an organisation who do a great job of utilising social media. Not only do they post engaging content about the benefits they offer, but they use their own hashtag #CSSCMemberBenefits so visitors can click through and see the massive variety of perks and discounts available.
So remember, while it is important to reach out to your members directly and exclusively, it is also important to showcase the fantastic benefits you offer as a way of attracting more members.
To see how you could improve your customer journeys and boost recruitment to your organisation, speak to your Account Executive or get in touch with Parliament Hill today.