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Parliament Hill is 20, but I am most proud of our Sustainability journey over the past 4 years

This year Parliament Hill celebrates their 20th anniversary, we asked Josh our Development Manager for his reflections on his 7 years of working at Parliament Hill.

I have worked for Parliament Hill for 7 years, roughly a 3 rd of Parliament Hill’s life! Over that time, I have seen many changes to the business, from the change to hybrid working,  to a  plethora of new initiatives, product launches and new infrastructure projects. As the company turns 20 years old, I have been reflecting on these changes to the business, and considering which of these is the  one I am most proud of. From my point of view the clear winner would be our journey to becoming a more sustainable business.

When I started at Parliament Hill back in 2017, the word “sustainable” was not a word that was used very often and certainly not a word that was used often within the working environment. As someone who cares about the longevity of the planet and all the species within it, I like to think I did/do what I can to be as environmentally friendly as possible in my personal life.

Roughly four years ago a colleague mentioned that there was a way for the company to become more sustainable, which naturally piqued my interest. Now it’s important to note, that given the nature of the business I don’t think we were wildly unsustainable, but I am sure we can all agree that we could all evaluate our own practices and there is always room to do more. Parliament Hill polled all staff members and set-up a meeting to gauge the feeling of staff members on the topic of ‘sustainability’, what we found was that there was unanimous support across the board. Very quickly the sustainability team was formed, which I quickly became a part of.

Since the founding of the  group, back in January 2020, we have made huge steps at becoming more sustainable, including;

  • Surveyed both our clients and brand partners to understand where they are on their sustainability journey’s
  • Launched a sustainability hub of offers and content for our client’s members to access
  • Reviewed and updated our policies to include sustainable practices.
  • Launched our monthly sustainability sessions newsletter to the Parliament Hill team
  • Provided opportunity for the Parliament Hill team to attend sustainable events including a ‘Remakery event’ in the summer of 2023.
  • Achieved Green Mark level 3 (the highest level available).

It has been fantastic to work on now one of our longest running projects. We show no sign of slowing down any time soon and exciting to think about what more we can do or offer within this space. It’s great to work with a team that is are so dedicated in doing what they can to create an ethical business that cares about the wider picture and that is the reason I am most proud of this change.

We would love to hear from you on where you are on your sustainability journey, please get in touch at .

If you would like to find out more on our sustainability journey please visit the Sustainability section of our website here .

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