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Inspire Inclusion – A view from a HR leader

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is #InspireInclusion, which emphasises the importance of diversity and empowerment in all aspects of society. With this in mind, we spoke with a HR Leader in the insurance sector who has over 20 years of experience working in people development and change management.

What does inclusivity mean to you?

It’s about creating and maintaining an environment where people can be themselves in a way that respects others through education, conversations and community. 

What are you doing about inclusivity for your future? This can be personal or professional

Educating myself about areas of difference where I'm not confident in, by joining groups and learning. As a leader, I am responsible for making sure I pick up where things are not inclusive and role model ally ship at every opportunity.

Thinking about your career, can you give us an example of where you’ve seen businesses do inclusivity well?

It’s done where leaders live this – not just when they are asked to, but in the every day. Asking for feedback and acting on this, communicating well and being respectful of others. Leading in a way where people recognise it as being authentic. Reverse mentoring is a good way to do this. 

What do you think businesses could be doing to help encourage inclusivity?

Investing in brave leadership, leaders create the environment we are in, and really challenge ourselves on how we behave in our interactions. It's not just when we are asked to be inclusive – it's how we are when we are at our desks, in meetings, emailing, social events. It's in the every day.

Find out what inclusivity means to our team by reading our blog.

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