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Parliament Hill achieves Level 3 Green Mark accreditation

For the second year in a row, Parliament Hill are delighted to have been awarded Green Mark Level 3 accreditation

Parliament Hill are proud to announce that they have once again achieved Green Mark Level 3 accreditation, for the second year in a row. This is thanks to the company’s commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibilities.

Green Mark provides an internationally recognised environmental certification for companies that want to assure their clients and employees that they are conducting business to recognised environmental standards. The Green Mark Level 3 accreditation is a testament to Parliament Hill’s dedication to implementing eco-friendly practices into all aspects of its business. This accomplishment highlights the company’s ongoing efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and promote a greener future, after beginning their sustainability journey in 2020, and attaining Green Mark Level 1 in 2021 and Green Mark Level 2 in 2022.

I am proud to be part of a company that believes in sustainability and is truly committed to reducing its environmental impact. Its inspiring to see how we are making a positive difference in the world by acting sustainably every day.

Stephanie Coelho, Operations & Marketing Assistant

The company looks forward to continuing its sustainability journey and inspiring stakeholders to embrace green practices.

For more information on the Sustainability work of Parliament Hill, please visit; Our Sustainability Journey

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